I did the unthinkable and put "Living With Zombies" in a slab!

Now, as a rule, I am not in favor of "slabbing" comics; They're meant to be read and enjoyed, not sealed in hard plastic for all eternity. BUT,... I just had'ta get my very first published comic book appearance perserved for the ages, right?

Here 'tis (And, nope, I'm not looking to sell this copy. It's my own l'il personal keepsake) :

HA! Lookit that: A 9.8! When Billman got his copy of LWZ #1 slabbed last year in Chicago at Wizardworld, he only got a 9.6! Take that, Billman! ;-)

The kind folk at the graders were nice enough to add the "First comic appearance of Matt Hawes" to the case.

Luckily, I kept a copy to read and enjoy, as well! This copy will go on display at the shop!

BTW, be sure to visit the Ash Comic Book Covention in Indianapolis this Sunday, February 26 (see the blog entry below for details)!


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