
Showing posts from June, 2009

THE HAPPY SHOW! "GELATIN" June 2009! SEASON 6, EPISODE 14, JUNE 2009 Featured in this episode: Matt's just not in the mood to do a proper opening, so Happy takes over! "Impression" by Jack Conte! Matt endorses Happy Show Imaginary Brand Gelatin! "The Rest of My Mind" by Al Chantrey! "What's Cookin'" with David W. Johnson and Matt Hawes. Matt & Dave cook up delicious prosciutto rolls!! Pomplamoose performs "Beat The Horse"! -- And MORE!!! Thanks to the featured performers for their kind permission to feature their videos on "The Happy Show!" Yayy!!! Matthew Hawes

THE HAPPY SHOW! "HSN-1000" June 2009!

THE HAPPY SHOW! "HSN-1000" June 2009! SEASON 6, EPISODE 13, JUNE 2009 Featured in this episode: Matt and Happy introduce you to HSN-1000, the SUPER-COMPUTER! "Letters and Songs" by Al Chantrey! "What's Cookin'" with David W. Johnson and Matt Hawes. Matt & Dave cook up PIGS in a BLANKET!! Pomplamoose performs their rendition of "La Vie En Rose"! Matt talks "A Walk In The Park"! "Now and Forever" by Digital Storm Thanks to the featured performers for their kind permission to feature their videos on "The Happy Show!" Yayy!!! Matthew Hawes

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THE HAPPY SHOW! "Matt's Jokes" June 2009!

THE HAPPY SHOW! "Matt's Jokes" June 2009! SEASON 6, EPISODE 12, JUNE 2009 Featured in this episode: We lead off with an inspiring song about Superargo! Matt trys to entertain everyone with some... jokes! "Yeah Yeah Yeah" by Jack Conte! Pramatus and Jdog give their review of the the Sam Raimi cult film "Army of Darkness"! "What's Cookin'" with David W. Johnson and Matt Hawes. Matt & Dave cook up MONSTER TACO EYES!! An episode of Al Chantrey's "Such Is Life" with Becky Williams! Thanks to the featured performers for their kind permission to feature their videos on "The Happy Show!" Yayy!!! Matthew Hawes

In Memory of Rick Anderson.

In Memory of Rick Anderson. I don't know how many of you on from the Evansville area knew or met Rick Anderson, a local comic book collector, but I just discovered tonight that he passed away April 25, 2009, at age 52 at his home. He worked as an architect for Hafer & Associates of Evansville. Rick had been a loyal, regular customer at my shop for well over a decade, and he also frequented the other shops in town. So regular was he that I became concerned when I hadn't seen or heard from him for several weeks. Though I didn't want to think it, I had a hunch to check the obituaries in the Evansville Courier and Press, and my worst suspicion was confirmed. Rick always stopped by nearly every week to pick up his comics and talk about comics and movies with me. He was always a pleasant and very friendly man. I will miss him not only as a customer, but as a friend. May he rest in ...