In Memory of Rick Anderson.

In Memory of Rick Anderson.

I don't know how many of you on from the Evansville area knew or met Rick Anderson, a local comic book collector, but I just discovered tonight that he passed away April 25, 2009, at age 52 at his home. He worked as an architect for Hafer & Associates of Evansville.

Rick had been a loyal, regular customer at my shop for well over a decade, and he also frequented the other shops in town. So regular was he that I became concerned when I hadn't seen or heard from him for several weeks. Though I didn't want to think it, I had a hunch to check the obituaries in the Evansville Courier and Press, and my worst suspicion was confirmed.

Rick always stopped by nearly every week to pick up his comics and talk about comics and movies with me. He was always a pleasant and very friendly man. I will miss him not only as a customer, but as a friend.

May he rest in peace.

-- Matt

Matthew Hawes


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