My Review of Our Gang Collection (52 Shorts 1938-1942) (5 DVD Set)

WB Shop

Spanky, Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Porky, Darla, Mickey, Waldo and Froggy have long been names to conjure with in the annals of screen comedy. They’re fun-loving members of Our Gang, one of the most beloved bunches of movie kids ever. And with this fabulous 5-Disc Collection of 52 Theatrical Shorts, you’v...

A Nice Collection For Real OUR GANG Fans

Matt Hawes Evansville, Indiana 9/11/2009


4 5

Pros: Engaging Characters, Classic, Entertaining

Cons: Some shorts are hokey

Best Uses: Adult Viewers, Younger Viewers, Perfect Gift

Describe Yourself: Movie Buff

The MGM Produced "Our Gang" films are a decidely mixed bag of goods. On the one hand, you have the classic characters most everyone knows and loves from the Gang (also known as "The Little Rascals"), including Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, Butch, Buckwheat, and Froggy. But, the period following the years when Hal Roach Studios produced the series (1922 through 1938) was sometimes too cutsie, corny, melodramatic, and worst of all, preachy.

Hal Roach knew that everybody was going to the movies to watch the shorts (this is before TV, of course), and during his years the series was geared toward entertaining an all-ages audience. Some of that does carry over into the MGM years (1938 - 1944) that are represented in this set, but the series started being geared mostly towards the younger set only, and then more concentrated on teaching lessons than making kids laugh.

Still, despite the lessons, the preaching, and the like, there is some good, solid, and fun shorts during these years. And any real fan of "Our Gang" will undoubtedly want to own this set to complete their collection.

The description for the set on this site lets the would-be purchaser know that the films are not remastered, but come from master prints. The video quality is fine enough for me, and I believe the average viewer will be happy enough with it, too.

I gave the set a rating of four stars because I think the overall series is entertaining and that most people will still find the shorts enjoyable. With a collection of individual shorts from a period that spans many years, there will always a few bad ones in the bunch, but don't let that keep you from picking up the set. I am happy that WB released the series at all, and I want other fans to support that decision, too.



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