The latest issue of "Living With Zombies" (#5) is due out any week now, if Goathead Publications gets its' act together.

For those that aren't familiar with LWZ, it's a horror-comedy comic book about two pals, Matt Billman and Christopher Herndon, that discover that the city they live in has been taken over by zombies. They set out to rid the world of the undead, while taking time to raid local comic shops and just have a good ol' time of the whole situation.

Billman and Herndon were nice enough to include Comics Unlimited in their comic book series, even adding me as a character in the ongoing saga!

For more information, check out www.livingwithzombies.com where I am also a moderator on the forum there.

You can also check out the personal websites of the creators for more info, comics, artwork, and fun (Note: mature content):



Give the sites a look! --- Matt


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