
I will be attending the WizardWorld Chicago comic book convention on the following dates:
  • AUGUST 3 (Thursday)
  • AUGUST 4 (Friday)
  • AUGUST 5 (Saturday)
  • AUGUST 6 (Sunday)

During those dates (plus August 7th, Monday) the shop will be closed.
The shop will open again on Tuesday, August 8th at regular business hours (see for information).

The shop WILL BE OPEN on Tuesday, August 1st, and Wednesday (new comic day) August 2, the days before the show, at regular hours!

Expect even more COOL stuff when I return!

For more info on the show, visit:

Maybe I'll even see you there! Say "hi" if you see me!! -- Matt


Anonymous said…
Hey there, Matt!

I wish I could join you at Wizardworld Chicago. You run an excellent shop and are a breathe of fresh air among all the basement dwelling retailers who prey on their customers.

I was a member of the old Byrne board when that great Monkey and Moon Patrol thread was really rolling. Fun stuff!!

Now that you have your blog can you please tell your side of the story?

You created almost the whole thing and I want to know how someone else could come along and take your creation.

Have fun in Chicago!
Anonymous said…
Matt, keep your eyes open. The IMWANKERS are planning a leaflet drop at the Wizard con. I know it in my bones. They can't resist the temptation to mess with us and our friend, John.

If possible, confiscate all fliers and dispose of them properly. Snarf!

Thanks pal! You're one of the good ones!
Anonymous said…
Hey Matt, great to meet a fellow "Byrne Victim" at Wizard World!

I wish we could have chatted more but there was so much going on at the con, who had the time, right.

Wow, I don't think any con is going to match the enjoyment of this one.

I got to meet Dan DiDio and Joe Quesada!!! They both had some mean things to say about John Byrne, some deserved and some not, but still, two great guys with an unlimited amount of enthusiasm about the comic business.

Did you tell them your idea about converting comics to magazine size??

Hope we can meet up again next year Matt, we certainly had some fun this year!
Matt Hawes said…
Mark, I'll be glad to fill you in on some of the gory details behind M&MP, but it may be a few days, as it's a long story and I'm still recovering from my trip to Chi-town. Thanks for commenting!


Mike, I didn't see the guys handing out the leaflets. I kinda was curious as to what they said.


Al, I'm embarrassed to ask, but when did we talk at the con? I only ask because the only time I recall mentioning the Byrne board to anyone was when identifying myself to Chuck Dixon at the Wildstorm panel.

I'm trying to think of who you were that I spoke with.

And what did Didio and Quesada say about Byrne? I'm curious to hear/read what was said.

I was going to try and talk with Quesada about the magazine thing, but I never got the chance. I never even got to see Didio, sadly.

Thanks again for the comments, guys! -- Matt

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