YOUTUBE: A Lack of Direction?

Oh good god almighty! How do some YouTubers get Director status, while poor ol' Matthew Hawes of "The HAPPY SHOW!" waits weeks with no word. Where's The justice? Sniff.

Feel free to petition YouTube and demand that Matt Hawes be approved for Director Status so he'll shut the hell up already!

That's the web address above that you can go to and view the latest video ramblings of Matt Hawes. Er... enjoy.


Anonymous said…
Matt, I plan on voting for you as many times as I can.

I love The Happy Show!!! Good clean fun for me to watch when Matt Reed and I are finished doing the Byrnekateer thing.

I noticed those Great Refugeer IMWANKers showed up here and trolled it up. Screw those cowardly wimps! Oooooh, they're going to hand out fliers making us look bad at WizardWorld Chicago. The horrors!

Keep watchin us fools, that's all you can do!

Good work, Matty baby! You're becoming a big deal on the YouTube site.
Anonymous said…
Matt, I got an idea for a YouTube video. How about making a video of a typical Wed afternoon when the latest Byrne masterpiece comes out. You can record the reactions your customers have when they see the latest issue of Atom, fer example. Plus, we can show the world that not all comic shops believe the idea that 'Byrne doesn't sell". I know he sells lots of copies at your shop, Matt!

So how about it. Help the cause by showing that Byrne is still vital to the world of comics and do something nice for the guy to boot!

Cool beans....... and down with IMWAN!!!!!
Matt Hawes said…
Mike, thanks for commenting!

The IMWAN people have trolled me? I did receive one nasty comment early on, but I didn't see anything else yet. It's sad if they did, though.

And thanks for the suggestions and watching the videos, Mike! I plan on uploading some more older footage from the vaults, and then I will be adding new stuff and "Happy Show!" footage created just for the web!

Feel free to spread the word about the vids and post the links wherever it's allowed! -- Matt
Anonymous said…
Matt, I sure will be getting the word out. The Happy Show is the U2 of YouTube vids!!

Don't worry about the IMWANkers, they've been around, even emailing one of our buds to try and harsh our mellow, won't happen! Let them do their little flier thing. That's all they got. What creative geniuses. Why don't you put together something like Happy Show, fools!

Good luck with everything Matt, you're one of the good ones!

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