Hi gang!

OK, I saw "Clerks 2," so, officially, my summertime movie viewing is pretty much kaput. I can't think of anything else that precedes Fall that is coming out in the theaters that I have interest in seeing on the big screen (Not since "Ghost Rider" was delayed until Winter, anyway). So, as a closer to my summer of movie viewing, "Clerks 2" was a fun way to wrap up the season.

The primary characters from Kevin Smith's 1994 cult classic, "Clerks," return for another rude, crude, and absolutely hilarious outing in this sequel. Many jokes that, as many should expect, will offend a more mainstream or conservative audience, but that those appreciative of potty-mouth vulgarity used in an entertaining, if somewhat provocative manner will have a blast with the film.

Pretty much my only real criticism is a dance number that seems oddly out of place in the otherwise more-or-less grounded reality of the "Clerks" films. But, hey, I love silly stuff, so I can roll with it!

Rosario Dawson is hot! Maybe that is a given, but it never really struck me until watching her in this film. Oh, and she is a damn fine actress, to boot! A fine performance!
Trevor Fehrman's "Elias" is a character that should've probably annoyed or grated me, but I find that Fehrman's performance makes him a truly weird, but likable character.

Randal, Dante, Jay and Silent Bob are all back in full form!
I wish Jeff Anderson acted more, as he is good. He can make a truly despicable person like Randal Graves endearing, and that's especially a mean feat in this film given some of his actions. Randal was always brash and insensitive, but never more so than in "Clerks 2." And he's still a riot!

So, yeah, I recommend the picture to all Kevin Smith fans. The man has redeemed himself. I may even forgive him for "Spider-Man: Black Cat" and "Daredevil: Target"'s terminally late issues.

If you hated the previous films of Kevin Smith, you'll loathe this one.
There, the haters are warned. Now, don't go to the theater and get all "Joel Siegel" about it.

That's my review! What's your's? --- Matt


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