The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Paris Whitney Hilton is an American tradgedy and spoiled heiress. She provides a horrible example for young people all over the U.S. and the world. She is the embodiment of all that represents the worst of the cult of celebrity. She is famous simply because of her family's wealth and believes that she should be above the law because of her fame and fortune.

Hilton is notable for projecting her image as a spolied socialite on the FOX reality series "The Simple Life." In addition to her work as an actress, she has achieved some infamy for a well-known sex video that has circulated on the internet.

As most of America now knows, Ms. Hilton was just charged in a Los Angeles court with DUI and sentenced to 45 days in Century Regional Detention Facility in California beginning on or before June 5, 2007.

We, the American public who reject Paris and her lifestyle and the negative impact she has on the youth of America (and, indeed, the world) are shocked, dismayed and appalled by how Paris has tried to use her celebrity to get out of paying her debt to society. Drunk Driving is wrong! We do not support drunk driving! Paris should go to jail!

As depicted on on Headline News (May 4, 2007), countless celebrities have been slapped on the wrist for similar incidents recently. Nick Nolte, Mel Gibson, Tracy Morgan, Wynonna Judd, to name a few, were arrested and never did a day in jail after their initial arrests for drunk driving /DUI /DWI charges. Rappers Busta Rhymes and Eve still walk free after both being arrested for the same charges as Ms. Hilton just this past week. Brandy's California Highway accident, although no proof of DUI was evidenced in her accident, resulting in the death of a young wife and mother in California, yet Brandy walks free as of today, never doing any time and A WOMAN HAS BEEN KILLED most likely due to her reckless driving!

We need to see that, for once, the law will not let a celebrity escape justice! Paris Hilton must be made to pay for her crimes, as those other celebrities should have been made to pay for their crimes!

This petition is to ask Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to give Paris Hilton more time in the slammer for her mistake!

WE NEED MORE SUPPORT to keep Paris off the streets and set an example for everyone that being young, pretty, rich and famous does not make you above the law! Please sign to tell The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of the State of California, to think about the welfare of all the innocent people who had their lives put in jeopardy by the careless and thoughtless actions of Paris Hilton. How many people die each year due to drunk drivers? This is more than about sending a message to celebrities who flaunt their fame to get out of jail time, it is about showing everyone that drinking and driving is a serious crime.

Matthew Hawes



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