
Showing posts from July, 2007

Silver-Age FANTASTIC FOUR run on eBay! Most of the early "FANTASTIC FOUR" comics are up for auction in the latest COMICS UNLIMITED eBay auctions! The run starts with the second issue, and goes up to the 100th issue, plus a couple of the annuals. There are a few doubles listed. This is most of the issues in the first 100 issues of the series, with many key issues: The FIRST appearance of The Skrulls! The FIRST outfits, headquarters, and Fantasticar! The FIRST Inhumans! The FIRST Mad Thinker! The FIRST Black Panther! The FIRST FULL appearance of Galactus, and the second Silver Surfer appearance! The FIRST solo Silver Surfer story! -- And MORE!! Most of the comics are in lower-mid grades, but they all have the complete stories! LOW STARTING BIDS!! NO RESERVE PRICES!! Plus! A couple of Silver-Age "SPIDER-MAN" comics, a vintage MARVEL COMICS CALENDAR, and a giant-sized KING KONG TREASURY; ALL ON AUCTION!! ENDS ON SUNDAY!! BID NOW!! ...

See MATT & HAPPY on PANORAMA on The Net!

Thank you very much to everyone who watched my appreance on PANORAMA on July 16 in Britain! Thanks especially to SoEmoChris and SMatthias of YouTube! Two great friends from the UK who recorded and posted the "Sweeney" footage with my interview and video clip: Yay!!! Matt Hawes


The video below has the info. Yep, the PANORAMA BBC-1 appearance of Matt & Happy from "The Happy Show!" is back on schedule: Matt Hawes

BBC "Panorama" Update!

The episode of BBC-1's "Panorama" that has a brief interview with Matt Hawes and Happy the puppet from "The Happy Show!" has been postponed because "Panorama" ran a more timely episode in the spot. It is going to reschedule the episode with Matt & Happy's interview for another date. Details will be announced when the episode is scheduled.


THE SCOOP: Almost two months ago, the BBC-1 program named "Panorama" sent out its' reporter, John Sweeney, to investigate the Church of Scientology. During the course of his investigation, Sweeney lost his temper and went on a rant against members of that church that was soon distributed by video on the Web. It made headline news around the world. I thought that it was just insane how this investigative journalist could blow his cool like that and on camera, no less. I couldn't resist spoofing Sweeney in a video for "The Happy Show!," my public access comedy-variety program. Here is a link to that spoof: Not long after my video was available for viewing on the Net, I was contacted by a staff member from "Panorama" named Pervez Khan. Mr. Khan explained that "Panorama" was doing a follow-up on the media story surrounding Sweeney's outburst, and asked if I'd like to be interviewed for the sh...