Silver-Age FANTASTIC FOUR run on eBay!

Most of the early "FANTASTIC FOUR" comics are up for auction in the latest COMICS UNLIMITED eBay auctions! The run starts with the second issue, and goes up to the 100th issue, plus a couple of the annuals. There are a few doubles listed.

This is most of the issues in the first 100 issues of the series, with many key issues:

The FIRST appearance of The Skrulls! The FIRST outfits, headquarters, and Fantasticar! The FIRST Inhumans! The FIRST Mad Thinker! The FIRST Black Panther! The FIRST FULL appearance of Galactus, and the second Silver Surfer appearance! The FIRST solo Silver Surfer story! -- And MORE!!

Most of the comics are in lower-mid grades, but they all have the complete stories! LOW STARTING BIDS!! NO RESERVE PRICES!!

Plus! A couple of Silver-Age "SPIDER-MAN" comics, a vintage MARVEL COMICS CALENDAR, and a giant-sized KING KONG TREASURY; ALL ON AUCTION!! ENDS ON SUNDAY!! BID NOW!!


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