
Showing posts from June, 2006

Back From The Show And Ready To Go!!

Well, gang, I'm back from the convention in Indy, and I picked up some goodies, as well as having sold a buncha books! I picked up: "Fantastic Four" #5 (volume one) with the very first appearance of Doctor Doom; "Fantastic Four" (volume one) #48 with the very first appearances of the Silver Surfer and Galactus; "House of Secrets" #92, the first appearance of the Swamp Thing; "Captain America" #100 (volume one) - The premiere issue; "The Incredible Hulk" #102 (volume one) - The premiere issue; "Batman" #37 (volume one, 1946) with the Joker; "Red Sonja" #1 (volume one, Marvel, 1977); "Star Wars" #1 (volume one, Marvel, 1977); "Uncanny X-Men" #94 - The first regular issue to feature the then-new X-Men team with Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, and Nightcrawler, among others! -- And more, including the first appearances of Emma Frost and Kitty Pryde, and the Dazzler in "Uncanny X-Men," and...

Courier & Press looking to speak with fans!

Jacob Bennett, a writer for the Evansville Courier & Press newspaper is looking to interview some comics fans at my shop. Here's what he writes: "You know anybody who might be good to talk to about the phenomenon of comicbook deaths--characters who don't stay dead for long? I thought I'd tie itinto Superman, Jean Grey and--the rare exception--Gwen Stacy, who are all inmovies this summer.I'm looking for comic readers who might be fun to talk to." I told him to come to my shop around 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21. I figured that many of my regulars might be stopping in that day to pick up comics, anyway, so it'd be a good time for him to come by and talk with fans. I know you guys out there know your stuff about comics! Invite your friends into comics to come on by and talk comics with the Courier & Press! Stop on in at Evansville, Indiana's COMICS UNLIMITED this Wednesday at 3! Thanks and I hope to C-U at C.U.!! -- Matt


On June 25th, Sunday, I will be setting up to sell comic goodness at the ASH COMICS Comic Book Show: ASH Comics Indianapolis Comic Book Show Sunday, June 25th 9:30 am to 3:30 pm Holiday Inn East 6990 East 21st Street (Shadeland Ave) Indpls, IN I-465 Exit 44 or I-70 Exit 89 Admission $4 60+ tables of Golden age, Silver age, Bronze age to the Newest Comics, Toys, Videos, Posters, DVD's, Guests, nostalga... New dealers and new deals at every Show. Special Guest: Stuart Sayger. "Shiver in the Dark", DC, Bioncle...artist. For More Info Contact: Andy Holzman 317-824-9602 I hope to see you there! ----------- Also, I will be attending, but not setting up to sell at the WIZARDWORLD comic book convention in Chicago, Illinois on the dates August 3rd through August 6th. More info regarding store hours as the dates approach. ---------- I just joined up on MySpace, so go ahead and "be my friend" over there, if you feel like it:...