Courier & Press looking to speak with fans!

Jacob Bennett, a writer for the Evansville Courier & Press newspaper is looking to interview some comics fans at my shop. Here's what he writes:

"You know anybody who might be good to talk to about the phenomenon of comicbook deaths--characters who don't stay dead for long? I thought I'd tie itinto Superman, Jean Grey and--the rare exception--Gwen Stacy, who are all inmovies this summer.I'm looking for comic readers who might be fun to talk to."

I told him to come to my shop around 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21. I figured that many of my regulars might be stopping in that day to pick up comics, anyway, so it'd be a good time for him to come by and talk with fans.
I know you guys out there know your stuff about comics! Invite your friends into comics to come on by and talk comics with the Courier & Press!

Stop on in at Evansville, Indiana's COMICS UNLIMITED this Wednesday at 3!
Thanks and I hope to C-U at C.U.!! -- Matt


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