Back From The Show And Ready To Go!!

Well, gang, I'm back from the convention in Indy, and I picked up some goodies, as well as having sold a buncha books!
I picked up:
"Fantastic Four" #5 (volume one) with the very first appearance of Doctor Doom;
"Fantastic Four" (volume one) #48 with the very first appearances of the Silver Surfer and Galactus;
"House of Secrets" #92, the first appearance of the Swamp Thing;
"Captain America" #100 (volume one) - The premiere issue;
"The Incredible Hulk" #102 (volume one) - The premiere issue;
"Batman" #37 (volume one, 1946) with the Joker;
"Red Sonja" #1 (volume one, Marvel, 1977);
"Star Wars" #1 (volume one, Marvel, 1977);
"Uncanny X-Men" #94 - The first regular issue to feature the then-new X-Men team with Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, and Nightcrawler, among others!
-- And more, including the first appearances of Emma Frost and Kitty Pryde, and the Dazzler in "Uncanny X-Men," and some nice giant-size "Superman" comics from the Silver-Age!!
Also, this past week, before even going to the show, I picked up thousands of new comics that I will be going through during the next two weeks, or so, and putting out in the priced and Dollar Comics areas! Lots of cool, new comics!!!
Coming up in August, (August 3, 4, 5, 6, to be exact), I will be going to the Wizardworld comic book convention in Chicago, Illinois (or Rosemont, Illinois, a suburb, to be exact again). As I have done for the past six years (minus one year), I will be looking for comics for customers, and the shop! The shop will be closed while I'm away on those dates, but expect even more COOL stuff when I return! I will update and remind everybody as the convention approaches.
Thanks and I hope to C-U all at C.U. soon!! --- Matt


Matt Hawes said…
Hey Mike! Thanks for commenting! I hope to see you in Chicago!
Anonymous said…
Mike - are you still planning on a "Monkey and the Moon Patrol" episode of The Happy Show?
Anonymous said…
Cool beans, Matt. I see you'll be attending the Chicago convention. I'll be there with my boypal Simko.
TRANSLATOR: Gay alert!!!
We plan to tear the place up for sure!
TRANSLATOR: 'Trying to sound cool' alert!!
I hope we can all hook up and get in some mad, crazy trouble my friend.
TRANSLATOR: Bathroom circle jerk.

Talkin' Byrne, Star Wars and all the crazy stuff us Byrnekateers love so much....
TRANSLATOR: I'm a geek.

hopefully we can spend a little alone time working on the next Byrne jam.
TRANSLATOR: Lets have a bathroom circle jerk.

Plus, I hear a few IMWANkers plan on showing up with some more of their "funny fliers".
No more taking their crap Matty old chum. We plan on taking them eggsuckers head on and I know you want to be a part of that, you hate those jerks as much as we do.

TRANSLATOR: Geeks unite!!!

See you there, or be square!

TRANSLATOR: Geek version of 'Bye'.

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