The Stephen Colbert Star Wars Green Screen Challenge!

Hi gang!

Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" issued a challenge to viewers to see who could produce the best fight scene using footage of him flailing and fumbling away with a toy lightsaber. It's the Stephen Colbert Green Screen Challenge!

I went ahead and tackled this challenge, giving it "The Happy Show!" treatment. Naturally, it has all the high-tech wizardry you would expect from "The Happy Show!" Ahem.

You can view it at YouTube directly:

Or at the following site:

It's towards the bottom of the videos on that site. You can vote for it there, if you'd like. You can also rate it at the YouTube page above.


See the miraculous vision that I saw when I dropped a stack of comic books!:

Thanks and enjoy! -- Matt


Anonymous said…
Hi matt. Have you read my 2 comments under the NH post? If you've replied I don't know where it's at? But, wow, your stephen colbert thing has almost 700 hits in one days time. At least that's a lot better than where it's at on cobert's site or whatever. I watched your abraham lincoln thing. heh, well at least God's referred to in regards to my earlier post. Also, I liked one of your possible tounge in cheek replys to one who commented that the Batman drawing was good but that they weren't sure about the music, to which you replied, Thanks for the comment about the drawing, which I thought could be a polite way of not agreeing with their comment on the music. As for the NH thing in general, don't be surprised if you're not available for download for sometime. Just getting on there may be the relfex action on the managers part to make his site look better, where in all due respect he'll move on to his next reflex action to plug his site somewheree or to make another minor addition to his listing on wikipedia or etc. I think the youtube thing was similar for you, where we'd want or should get quicker response for things like that, but for what ever reason they take their time or never do it, but at least with you they finally did. Maybe the youtube and NH thing may go somewhere because you technically had the best public access show I've ever seen, and you know how I think about you, but maybe also just be aware that very little may happen if not nothing; wherefore, just working, eating, drinking, be merry, serving God, and waiting for Judgement Day may be calm reminders to you that at least you can always do those things and not go wrong. That's what I keep telling myself if I ever wander what I've done serves any purpose. Maybe your trying to do that comic finally or at least start on it before DEC 31 just to say you still honored your word to start on it, or maybe it was to do it before the years out and you still will. I was just concerned if your recent exposure had you wandering where your life was going or could go. If it helps trust me I think about that stuff all the time - too much - and that advice about working, eating, and etc up above always comes back to me Matt. Personally, I wander about people I've influenced and worry that I didn't influence them in a God way at all, or wander about all the time I possibly wasted of your time, others, and myself when setting around at your store doing nothing, when I could of spiritually been helping you, others and myself by witnessing and saving souls. And only God knows how much mental abuse I've caused Happy. Fianlly I apologize if my request to erase my posts here was unwise or if I've done any other unwise thing. Love David.
Matt Hawes said…
Hi David!
Good to hear from you. I haven't read the posts on the NH blog entry, but I will check that out after posting this. Thanks! -- Matt
Anonymous said…
Hello Matt. I just saw this. So we're getting there maybe. I'll try back on the NH piece now. It looks like maybe you're replying to that as we type. Also, I just got done sending you a message the way I'd done before to your homepage about you uploading the Stop Watching Me stuff. Also thanks for blocking out the phone number even though there isn't an area code. Love David.
Anonymous said…
Hi Matt. Oh no, Stop Watching Me has 18 hits now. That's 15 more in just 30 minutes. You've created a monster! LOve Davidl. Which one do you see quicker, this way for talking or the old way I did it?
Matt Hawes said…
Hi David! I'm notified by e-mail when you write using my shop's website's contact page, but you could write to me directly at my e-mail address.

An e-mail account at or is free, and you don't have to give out personal info, if that's why you don't use the services. Also, you can revive your old e-mail address at Yahoo, if need be.

YouTube membership is also free. So, I am suggesting that you get a free e-mail account and then sign up for YouTube. That way you can comment directly to videos, there.

Please feel free to comment here, or by e-mail, or through my website. One way or another, I'll see the messages (provided there are no computer or 'Net glitches).

Thanks! -- Matt
Anonymous said…
Hi Matt, Thanks for the comment. I just got done writing a lot at wikipedia for I think Talk Pages: Public Access, which I didn't know and may be different from one's personal talk pages, and can be searched under that title, but I put a lot there to let people know about me, and to ask some questions, and to give my profile. The other stuff I think you know, but here I'm going to include the profile. I may go back in a second and clarify that I also stopped doing public access on Insight the last time about the same time I did with Sigecom.

Also I may buy me a mini dv or mini dvd camera and start doing a show again , and also put it on Youtube. If I can't e-mail my stuff to Sigecom could you be interested in me either sending you my shows on mini dv or mini dvd for Sigecom to send along with your possible mailings (and I'd pay for any extra shipping and handling you may have.), and or doing the same if your mailing Insight your shows (But if they don't take mini dv or mini dvd, and you're not mailing them a vhs, I don't know how I could get it to Insight. Unless maybe, you're going to mail them a vhs, where I could send you a vhs and pay for extra shipping and handling. Or, I could streamline my stuff into 10 minute or less segments for you to add to your show. Ea. a 10 minute cooking segment, or Stop Watching Me segment, or a mini 10 minute Hall of Road Kill show, but that would be the name of the show with the skit, but I'd have other skits during that 10 minutes.

Love David 8/29/06



David W. Johnson

The following is a profile for me. I apologize if its length is a problem for one, but hopefully it will help them understand me better and where I come from when I make contributions to wikipedia or elsewhere about public access. I apologize for any spelling errors or sentence structure problems or etc. in the above and below text I've written.

I'm the grass roots founder of public access in Evansville, IN. I grew up being impressed with The Muppet Show, my senior pastor's radio and t.v. show by A.D. Vanhoose (Now deaceased) [He was one of the first people on radio for a church program.], small produced afternoon children shows which contained public domain cartoons/puppets/etc., The Bozo show, Johnny Carson and David Letterman. Later I was impressed with Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Wayne's World, and Tom Green. But, what got me into public access was UHF with Weird Al Yanovick about 10 years ago.

Afterwards, I'd saw in my town that a UHF station was starting. I found out though that it takes a lot more money than I thought it to start one - like millions. Anyway, I devised an idea for my own t.v. show and pitched it to the UHF station, that had by now had already changed its name. They said work on it. I didn't. I'd also inquired with getting the show on leased access too at the time, and was told that I could. I didn't. I explored the idea of broadcasting my show with a home made antenna. I found out that was against the law and called privacy. I didn't do it. I did tape some prototype material around this time for a pilot show that contained some local bands.

Next, I got involved in local theatre with Evansville's Repertory Theatre of Evansville. I suggested the idea of me taping a talk show variety show of myself there in the theatre on weekends, and opening it the public and having bands and open mic. The theatre was for it and said I'd only have to pay for the insurance. I didn't to this idea though.

Next I went to Olympia, WA for a bit, and when staying at a Salvation Army shelter before I got my bearings straight, one day while maybe it was overhearing another one staying there talking with a worker there about being in theatre also, I later told him about me being in theatre and told him about my ideas for doing my own t.v. show.

He said something like, Well you should do public access then. What's public access I said? He then told me all about it and invited me to go to I think it was TCTV (Tocmoa County T.V.) in Olmpia, which at the time had a manager named MR. Paul I think.

With that information, I went back to my home town and inquired about public access. The earlier leased channel now said I couldn't do it and that they'd reworked their rules to only allow the home salesmen to advertise on their channel. So, I quickly learned our town had done nothing to enforce and wouldn't enforce public access and thus we didn't have it. Luckily, we were just getting our first overbuilder (a competetive cable co.) with Sigecom LLC. (Insight was our first cable co. It had been called Evansville cable originally I think and other names inbetween that.) in our area, and I went to City Council Meetings and County Commissioners meetings. I also called the press and told them I was going to request useage of public access.

By this time I'd done my research and new about franchise fees and most everything. Luckily, there happened to be a crowd at the meetings the night I went, where usually there's not anyone there, but there were people there for a group home going in somewhere or something. Also, the mununcipalities hadn't wanted me to speak that night. I'd ask them, Are you saying I can't speak, or, That you'd rather I not speak. They said it was the latter. So I spoke that night and was officially on the agenda. Luckily, both cable companies just happened to be there that night to talk about other cable stuff unrealted to me.

It was perfect. The president of Sigecom was there, and the vice president of Insight was there along with there advertisement liason. I tapped the meetings. It looked like there were camera crews there to tape me, but they'd came for the group home thing. Yet, that mornings paper had carred an article about be going to speak that night for public access. That reporter was there too, but she was also always at the meetings. The City and County chose to take no action on what I said. After the meetings though the president from Sigecom told me I had it all wrong and that of course I could be on t.v. and that studios were being built. The vice president of Insight basically just shaked my hand to give me a mean look and to with that look say, Thanks for making us look bad up there by saying we don't honor public access.

His liason for advertising, whom I'd indirectly said had maybe used the public access channel to put commercials on, was maybe shaking in his boots when I'd said hello to him. I'd known him from the church my Mom attended, but I really thought he was going to maybe run out of the room when I spoke to him because he looked so scared. Later I realized, I guess I'd be pretty nervous to if I had an advertising firm that could possibly be shut down for breaking the law. (I'm not sure to this day if that was the case. Insight's community channel had never been used for public access, but for only time and temp bascially. Though, the channel used by the advertising firm could have been one of the 3 intended PEG channels originally or at one point.)

The president at Sigecom never got back to me. I called one of the people on the city council. They inquired with the president. The president didn't get back to him. So as the council member put it to me, I called him back and made it clearer that he needed to get back to me, and that he'd be wise not to disregard this 2nd call from a city council member. That call did it and 3 weeks later in March, 2000 on Sigecom's channel 9 I was the first person on public access in Evansville, IN. Thank God that member called those 2 times because the city council, the county commissioners, and he never did anything again with it even though I went back and spoke a number of times. Those 2 times by the city council member were the only times.

Since I'd already had 5 shows in the can by this point I had no problem being ready for t.v. Yet what followed right away was Sigecom's neglect for the project. Insight simply refused to honor public access still. At this point the Alliance for Community Media got involved thanks to Fort Wayne's Allen County Public Librarie's Eric Mollberg, Co-Chairman of the Central States (I'm sure what his title is presently), who tried to interest some local non-profit groups to do the public access here for Sigecom, or a local library like Fort Wayne did there's, or maybe a local college or something. Not anyone was interested in doing it. Mr. Mollberg agreed to come down and speak to my city council and county commissioners. They didn't even take any action on what he said. They wouldn't even hook him up to our Mayor at the time as I tried to too. At least he got on a morning radio twice the next day and was quoted as saying that the public access channel had had numerous technical problems.

Yet, the Alliance was so impressed with what I'd did in such a short time that I was one of three I think chosen by the Central States of the Alliance to be invited free of charge to the annual meeting in Dayton, OH in 2000. (If one could get me a flyer issued by them shortly after the meeting that's suppose to have the three of us pictured I'd be grateful and return postage. Mr. Mollberg said on two of my requests he would send me a copy but I still haven't. I realize he's busy though. My address is at the end of this entry.) I taped and put most of the meeting on public access also as I'd did with the mununcipal meetings I taped (For awhile in general I taped the meetings and had them put on too.) Yet, my town was still neglecting public access.

Next, Sigecom let one of there advertising firms do public access for them, which one here may know is the worst case scenario for a public access station. As with when Sigecom briefly did it, there were numerous technical problems. Many times a show would not come on, would come on late, or would cut out to snow or etc. Replys to the problem were ignored. Our city controller at the time, who at first seemed interested to help, quickly closed up, and finally said, Maybe I don't feel compelled to help. I later I possibly found out that, what was possibly implied was that I was suppose to pay under the table for help and hadn't during the meeting they, one of their attorney's (Who I found out later was possibly wishy washy), and I meet.

Nevertheless, thanks to my Mom's and my efforts public access slowly but surely growed. The 2nd producer's show was short lived but thanks to them public access has never a week without a program on it. Next I encouraged my Uncle to do a church show (He's still going). Next I got my Mom to do a church show (She recently stopped due in part to Sigecom's current public access manager giving others and her a rough time. More on that in a bit.) My Mom and I got a few other churches on. (I later learned that churches are the first and sometimes the most in number to do public access when it's available.) From there other producers started shows based on hearing about public access from one of the aboved mentioned producers. Currently there's about 30 public access shows on Sigecom Cable, and 20 on Insight cable (More on Insight in a bit.) I think. There's been about 50 different shows I think in that six year period.

After numerous calls by me to basically every non profit group, group, and arts group in my town, and after I'd become a watch dog for the people who'd came to public access since it started, and after two involvements I acquired with our BBB between Sigecom and I because they wouldn't do public access professionally, the manager of public access at the advertising firm told me I'd caused them a lot of trouble talking about public access being free, calling it PEG access, and etc, and that he wanted me to stop because he was in charge of it and not me. (I took this to mean that I'd done a good job and that business associates of his must of inquired why they'd started doing free stuff vs. paid advertisements.) I chose to back down though, and stopped producing basically.

I found out about sponsorship around this time, and got some other shows from other states on public access t.v. in Evansville. I got my first series W.B.N.W. shown in Franklin, MA (World of the Brave New Worlds, which was a variety show, but part fictional about a fictional t.v. public access channel on its last leg, and about to be taken over by a high cable overlord that very much resembled the Emperor from Star Wars. The fictional part also dealed with W.B.N.W.'s last season which ends as prophesied by the Unknown Greener, also as a Star Wars parody [Which, can be seen under the title The Unknown Greener under Matt Hawe's Youtube videos at [[]], with episode # 300, which was a tip of the hat to Dave Sim doing 300 issues of the Cerebus comic where the character dies in the last issue.) The show started with # 281 which was a tip of the hat to the RKO # for Citizen Kane.]) I next chose to stop doing public access for awhile and in February, 2001 moved to Orlando, FL and got a job a speiler at Universal Studio's Islands of Adventure's Jurassic Park's Triceratops Encounter, and Discovery Center.

In May, 2003 I moved back to Evansville, IN. My Mom had had some of my stuff re-shown during my time gone, and I'd also done a couple of things and mailed them back home to be sposored and/or did them when I visited for two weeks in August, 2002. In June, 2002 I started The Kitchen Magician, which was a humor based cooking show, with the idea I didn't professionally know anything about cooking, but saw how well I could do each week with a recipe, where my Mom was my camera man (uh, woman), and supplied motherly advice. I got our newspaper interested again, and they did a front page story on my show and public access for their magazine supplement called ME (Music/Entertainment).

From the article public access got started on Insight cable channel 7. The paper had inquired with them, and thus the article said one could call them about public access. So I called them. Since they'd never had public access before the article I was qurious what they would say. Once I told them who I was, the person said, We know who "you" are, and said I'd made them look bad in the article. I politely changed the subject. A bit later they brought it up again, and I politely said, I'd came to them in 1999 and was told by the vice-president he wouldn't do it. There was a beautiful pause I thought. Next they slowly said, Well, they were replaced. I said that the replacement had also said no. Another beautiful pause I thought. Finally they said, Well, you can do it now. So I did. I think they hoped they could show all my shows at once and be done with it. They said not anyone besides me had inquired about it. I did my shows on a weekly bases though. I also contacted all of the producers doing shows on Sigecom public access. The next time I talked to Insight they hinted I think if I new anything about the influx of calls they'd received. I didn't say anything.

Anyway, from the cooking show our local channel 7 morning news show asked for an interview. They liked that enough to come back the next day and tape a live segment with me taping me making breakfast. I did 26 episodes of The Kitchen Magician, and Matt Hawes of above coined my trademark phrase, The Culinary Counjurer of Mealtime Magic! He also helped me make up t-shirts for the show, and I had a newsletter for the show, and even s t.v. viewer list I showed on t.v. I also called people during the show occasionally at random, and would refer to viewers by name. (One of the shows or a segment of it [Technically, not a cooking one though.] can be seen at Matt's Youtube videos called, Pretend A Meal, where we fixed an imiginary meal with the help of his puppet Happy.) Finally, I decided I'd done all I could with it. I went on a trip to Europe, came back briefly, and asked Matt about me helping him produce his own show.

Matt agreed to do a show called [[ The Happy Show]] in September, 2003. Matt began having many of the problems I'd had. Yet Matt like me fought back. He sent letters to the CEOs of Sigecom and Insight. Sigecom's CEO got in contact with the advertising firm still doing public access, to which the manager told Matt he needed to stop or else public access might be taken off altogether. Insight's CEO got ahold of our local president (The 2nd one who had originally told me no.), and the region president I think replied to Matt that our local president was of course doing all he could do. But, in all due respect, I think one could say the letter was full of holes, half truths, and lies. Again it was promised that Insight would have a new dvd system installed at any moment that would solve everything. At the time it was made clear by some producers that most all of our producers wouldn't be able to do shows on dvd, which was only what they were going to accept, but I think that was the point. To this day though they've never installed the device, which they've supposedly had since January, 2004. Sigecom never supplied or made available studios to this day either.

In January, 2004 I again went back to work at the same job at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. I went down to seasonal and returned to Evansville in September, 2004. I started a new cooking show called Mealtime Tradition. I did 5 episodes. I only airred 3. I did 18 Bible shows, where I read straight from the Bible with no commentary. I think I had basically all of those airred. I lost interest in doing public access though and returned to Universal Studios in Orlando, FL and worked at Revenge of the Mummy. I again went down to seasonal and went back to Evansville in January, 2006. Based off a neurotic character I'd created at the Mummy I did a new show called Stop Watching Me (Which, part of the first episode or all of it now may also be seen at Matt's Youtube videos under "Stop Watching Me."

At this point I'd learned Sigecom had a new public access manager who'd been said by three producers to be rude to them on the phone, and told not to call him back to inquire about why sometimes there shows didn't come on, came on late, came on at different times with no notice or etc. I talked to his boss and other staff at Sigecom, which may have incluced leaving a message with the president's secretary (Not the one from when I first started, who was long gone, and maybe replaced 1 or more other times in between this time.). The general consensus I'd thought was that he'd not been rude. Next I submitted my show along with their new guidelines. The new guidelines I'd seen contained a new rule that stated, Sigecom wasn't responsible for blocked out shows, late shows, rescheduled shows, cancelled shows, censored shows, snowed out shows, and for any reason whatsoever something's wrong shows. I thought, it was obvious that that rule was in regard to Matts and my fighting to get things done right. I'd half joked it was the rule that obsolved them from reality.

Still I waited for my call back about when my show would be scheduled during the 7 to 10 business days. After 17 days I talked to the new managers boss, and I got a call from the new guy the next day with my scheduled time. He'd also given me a brief but barely non answer I'd thought to the complaints I'd heard about him, and also said he's a nice guy that didn't do those things. He said he liked my show, that others on his staff liked it, and that he'd watched it three times. My new show for the first one to set it up basically only had a neurotic fellow telling the t.v. viewer to stop watching him, and also told them not to call him when the phone number went up. Future shows had skits with the character and varitey. It would've been a variety show, but the first show had to set it up I'd thought.

Stop Watching Me was the most successful show I'd done. After the phone number was shown the phone was off the hook for 20 minutes. I'd answer the calls in character during the airring of the show, then as myself afterwards. So one calling during the show was told, "Stop Calling Me, it was simple instructions, don't call me!" or something along those lines. Many of the calls said they liked the show. I had one complaint. One said they were mad that their kids tried to call my show, how did they know I wasn't a child molester, and that he was going to kill me if I came on t.v. again and come looking for me. I called the police and reported that call. The police confirmed that they'd broken the law, and that if they continued they would be arrested. The caller in question also said they'd called the public access manager at Sigecom and that they were going to get me off. A call to them seemed to confirm that, and they said I'd gotten many calls and documentations. They said I'd gotten the most calls ever for a public access show, and that they were complaints. I'd asked if they were inquiries or complaints, and asked to see what I'd thought was open records laws to their logs, but they refused to let me see them. I was told that my show would be screened again, and then screened by upper management, and that I would probably receive a letter.

In all due respect to the other times I've been ignored, the letter was typed up that next day, mailed off the next, and received the day after that I think, which was a record for their response time on a public access concern I think. They stated that according to their rules that my show was too provocative for their public access channel and that it was cancelled. The character was a cross between Curly from the 3 stooges, Kramer from Sienfield, and Jerry Lewis. The content was PG. I hadn't broken any rules, and I think their use of provocative could be used for anything if they wanted to not show it bad enough. I thought it was a blatant disregard for 1st admendment rights and censorship. They said I could never use that character again, I couldn't even drop the character and keep the name of the show, and that they would never again in any shape way or form have shown anything to do with Stop Watching Me. I again got the newspaper involved.

I thought it interesting that Sigecom referred to the public access channel as theirs because it belongs to the community vs them. I'd also thought it unwise on Sigecom and Insight's parts to still have openly admitted prescreening all public access shows, or even making copies of them, before showing them to make sure nothing bad was shown. Erik Mollberg had once told me they were opening themselves up for major 1st admendment rights violations. He couldn't believe that they were doing it. He said it's only a matter of time before someone sues them and wins, and that it had happened before. When I'd told Insight in the past, and Sigecom this time about the law they were breaking they disreagarded my reply. I told the newspaper all of these things and I think everything I could think of with public access, and also what I'd done in it and done locally in my town. They did a front page article on the local section of our Sunday paper about my show's problems, and another article about how to do public access in general inside the local section, where the front page article also continued onto. I'd gotten Mr. Mollberg to speak with the paper too, and he also mentioned about prescreening being a violation.

At this same time I was having problems with the new public access manager of Insight, who after prescreening one of my variety shows said he wouldn't show more than one show of mine a week because they'd have to prescreen it. Yet, I think this was after I caught them in three obvious lies. They said their rules stated they only had to show 1 show a week. I asked for the rules and showed them that that was wrong. They said another rule stated it, and I showed them that that rule didn't read that way either. They finally said the rules did read that way, and that my option was one show and that was it, eventhough I'd originally been told I could do the seven shows a week I'd submitted, which during this meeting went down to 2, and then to 1.

We had what I call a polite argument, but what he possibly may have seen as a "argument." He said he wouldn't budge basically, and I said, You to you and me to me. I again called the city council at this point, and even though the guy who had originally said he would check into both cable companies, I never received a call back. Insight also showed the 1st episode of Stop Watching Me, but hinted that they might also cancel it, which contradicted their earlier statement that they wouldn't do that because public access was of course public access. During this time Someone from Sigecom called Insight and asked them why they were beign favorable to me. Insight was very upset with me and rudely told me to never say that they liked me again. I hadn't and said that, and only said I'd repeated what they'd said and nothing more.

At this point I chose to only go with my new version of my Bible reading show. The same show as before, but I started over again, and started from the beginning of the Bible. If I could only do one show on Insight I wanted it to be the Bible show. Next, the assistant to the manager at Insight became upset with me when I politely pointed out their prescreening policies, and pointed out the FCCs new rules, and Janet Jackson at the Superbowl. I told Eric Mollberg about this, and thankfully he told the reporter that that concerned broadcast t.v., but not public access seen on a cable that one has to pay for. He also said that regarding my queries about the new deruglation rules that there was still other rules allowing for public access. Yet, with the mention way above at the top by others, it could at least be said maybe that some fear that not to be the case, but in all due respect I could think that public access is safe and sound as long as were not duped into believing we don't have the right to it anymore. Still, for the article Mr. Mollberg set it straight I'd thought. Hopefully, it helped proved I wasn't making this stuff up but I knew what I was talking about.

At this point I'd basically stopped talking to Insight. With Sigecom I started showing a reedited Kitchen Magician rerun, my Bible show, 2 new cooking shows (Let's Eat, and That's Doggone Good), a show with public domain cartoons called Public Domain Cafe, and I tried to get a reedited version of W.B.N.W. shown. For the latter, possibly Sigecom didn't want to show it, and didn't want to respond to me at all by this point. Shortly before, since they continued to reschedule shows, be rude to me, and etc I called a few producers as I'd done in the past and told them that Sigecom was possibly doing those things and that I was looking out for them. Possibly a couple of them called Sigecom. According to the manager 2 of them called to complain.

Maybe it was only to acquire I think. I was asked if I'd called and said those things to be facts. I said no, and that I'd said they were possibilities. I was told they'd had my voice recorded (Which, I'd also thought was against the law, but maybe if it's ok for one person who gives me a death threat to get me kicked off of t.v. it's ok for this too.). I inquired if I was being told I had said these things as fact vs. as possibilities, and was told yes, and that I was off. I inquired what "off" meant, and was told to figure it out myself because I was good at that sort of thing, which I think was a reference to conversations we had where he observed that I knew what I was talking about vs. whatever his opinions were. I was told our relationship was over.

I told them that God knew who was right, them or me. This made them really mad, and they said not bring God into it or to judge them. I simply said, you to you and me to me. I was then critized for breaking a personal speaking fast I'd made (Which, for what it's worth I broke to call Sigecom who hadn't airred one of my shows one night, but after the call they did.) Finally, I was told again that was it. I said ok and they hang up. I proceeded to call his president, which maybe they'd anticipated and was part of a bluff. Nevertheless, I got ahold of the president's secretary which I'd never gotten through too in the past. She seemed to already know about the conversation I'd seconds ago had with the manager, and a click near the start of our call lead me to wander if the manager was listening on speaker phone on another line, or if she had been previously.

After I'd described our conversation she told me I couldn't call people. Jokingly I thought, "Anyone for the rest of my life?" She also said I wasn't in charge of scheduling shows (I never said that I was.), that I wasn't in charge (Which, sounded familiar.), and that the manager had the power to kick me off (In all due respect I'd thought, "No, he doesn't."). I politely explained that I may have had my quirks but that I'd never been rude or adversial when sharing them, but that the manager had and that it had been confirmed by three other people (Two of them had called back after I'd encouraged them to let the manager's bosses know that they'd been speaken rude to.) and that I didn't want our relationship to be over. She seemed to me to be confused on this point that I'd actually been told I was being completely banned from public access with them.

I told her that I took, Your off, and, "Our relationship is over, to mean I was banned, and it maybe seemed that she was surprised I'd been told this too. It's why like she'd originally suggested that I call the mangager back, that I'd asked her to first talk to him and she did because of them saying the banning thing I think. (Matt Hawes thinks that it was only a bluff because Sigecom wasn't allowed by the law to ban me, and that if they could've banned me or have never done public access to begin with, they wouldv'e done it long ago, which proved they couldn't because of the law, and that the same went for Insight.) I agreed to not call people, but had said that I would call my Uncle for ea. because he'd want to know if his show wasn't on at the scheduled time. She agreed to talk with them.

Ten minutes later or so the manager called me back and said they'd heard I'd wanted to talk about something. "Something?," I'd thought. I said I'd agree with his terms. What terms may that be they'd said? "Do we have to play this game, and continue with the now case in point rudeness?," I'd thought. I told them the terms. They said that had always been the terms. Anyway, I was told I'd caused him a lot of problems (Again, that sounded familiar and made me feel good that in actuality I'd done well.) and from then on I was only suppose to drop my show off, and they'd show it, and to only call if there was something wrong with my show.

I agreed. Shortly after this my W.B.N.W. rerun wasn't shown by Sigecom. I was told the copy was bad and asked if I had a better one or could do it on dvd, which I replied yes to both. I was told I'd be called back about it but never was. My other copies weren't shown, yet one of them was labled as having been show. And a dvd of one wasn't shown. My inquiry about both of the latter was answered with an answering machine left call and a house call of, I'm returning your call, eventhough, after the first reply, I'd asked for them to please let the answerer or the machine have a simple reply to the show's status if I wasn't spoken too directly, which wasn't done on the 2nd call. At this point I finally called back and left a message stating, That for personal reasons I would not be submitting anymore shows for the indefinite future.

Keep in mind that during all this time Sigecom or Insight never had a schedule for public access anywhere. Only this year did Sigecom finally do one on their website, and that was maybe only because the newspaper or I had inquired about again. Yet, it's still unchanged, and even my shows are still scheduled which haven't airred in I think in 3 months. Also the newspaper has upon multiple requests has not chosen to have even a tentative public access listing in their daily t.v. section or even once a week in the Sunday guide.

Hopefully, this may give one an idea about what I've gone through, and in all due respect hopefully one may not choose to erase huge chunks of my contributions to the wikipedia listing for public access, especially under the section for "Challenges of PEG Access. Therefore, kudos to the fine job that Seaneffel has done in enhancing much of what I've contributed, while even giving his comments on it, vs. totally erasing it or actually stating in the body of the listing above others contributions and my own, This is written bad. Kudos to anyone else who's done the same for others and myself. If public access may truly be taken away I think it's important that readers to the wikipedia listing for public access are presented with the truest idea of what public access is, including its possible challenges, and its possibly anything elses.

In June, 2006 I went back to the Mummy at Orlando, Fl in Universal Studios, and recently transfered to E.T. Matt Hawes continued to do public access off and on, and recently started work on season 3 of The Happy Show. He also started putting parts of his show on Youtube, and was recently picked up by a public access channel 23 in NH. I've appeared in skits on his show in the past and recently, and he's also shown material from my shows in the past and recently.

One may feel free to contact me and ask questions offer informaton or just talk about public access or especially God in general because he loves you and wants to come into your heart through Jesus. My address is :

David W. Johnson
19 N. Ortman Dr.
Orlando, FL 32805

My phone # is 407-293-1349

If anyone is interested in showing Matt's shows please give him a call and or write him and or e-mail him at his homepage.

Matt's address is:

Matt Hawes
654-B E. Diamond Ave.
Evansville, IN 47711

His phone # is 812-423-6952

I too may soon again be doing a varitey and or cooking show and or christian show if Matt will send it along with his mailings to Sigecom and Insight, where I'd be mailing it on mini dv or mini dvd and include extra postage if he needed it and agreed, or supplying him with bits of the latter if he could use them on his show (Except for the Bible material.), or may e-mail my new show to Sigecom if I can, and or may start uploading stuff to Youtube myself and simply taping the shows for myself. If one would be interested in showing my show please contact me at the contact information above, or if one would like to see my material that Matt has used in shows, along with seeing his show too, please contact Matt at the contact information above.

Much of the above information comes from my: Access Denied

God bless and I love you,

David W. Johnson, grass roots founder, public access in Evansville, IN on Sigecom Channel 9, and Insight channel 7

Anonymous said…
Hi again Matt. Ok to go to that page you have to do a search on wiki for Talk:Public-Access Television. Also I'd went back in to add a bit about my Mom stopping her show in part because of the most recent new Sigecom manager of public access. Also on the profile I have your show's web link with a click - on and tried to get it with one to your Youtube stuff, but it maybe at least gets one to Youtube. Also I include contact information for you and I and I, and said for anyone interested in showing your show to contact them, and for anyone interested in showing my possible future show to contact me, or to contact you if they wanted to show your stuff that has my stuff in it.

Love David 8/29/06
Anonymous said…
Hi matt, thanks for the new stuff of Stop Watching Me you've added with the olive and the watcher. I saw that one replied that they liked both. The hits for Stop Watching Me slowed down I think and maybe proves I have no shelf life on Youtube.

As for you, I saw that the Colbert thing is almost 1,000 hits and Spiderman's getting there. Your heh, youtube speech was nearing it too but has seemed to slow. A couple of the other drawings may get there eventually, and Batman had 1,171 I think. A couple other things are having medium hit growth. Maybe the Chicago comic thing has slowed. The star wars holiday special is at 300. Dippsy Dan looks ok still for fast growth in a week's time.

You could consolidate a lot of your stuff that hasn't really gotten many hits. Heh, many of which contain me for what its worth. You could be left with your best stuff and make your presense all the stronger and look stronger too. Yet I could see how you may think that it's wise to leave it all on there because that's how you are, or you may think that later you may have that presence and that people will have a chance to go back and see that stuff.

As for me Matt, if not more than 13 people want to see a neurtoic man telling a jar of olives not to stare at him, well I'm at a loss. I just can't be funnier than that! How DARE THEY!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (V for Vendetta style.)

Love David 8/29/06
Anonymous said…
Hi Matt, does both your blog here, and your webboard I send messages to let you know I've mailed you when your online, or is it just the blog? I've sent you a few new blogs under colbert here, and maybe one under the NH. Also I've sent 2 or more to the webboard. I take webboard for you to mean when I mail through the contact us link with my name David W. Johnson attached and with, which use to be my e-mail.

Love David


P.S. - There can't be much more old stuff of yours to upload to Youtube still is there? Or at least my stuff.........or, is there, and I still need to look over my shoulder while at work to make sure not anyones seen me on Youtube and wants to censor me for being too procative.
Matt Hawes said…
Hi again, David.

First, let's tackle this:

You write:

"...I may buy me a mini dv or mini dvd camera and start doing a show again , and also put it on Youtube..."

Great! If you want to send me the video, I will certainly try to submit them along with my videos once I have started doing so again.

Thanks for checking out the videos I have uploaded on YouTube, as well.

The blog here doesn't notify me when someone has posted, so I won't see it until I check this site. I do get e-mail notices from the comments page of my Comics Unlimited website. I see those quicker, as a result.

The main difference, I suppose, is that on the blog I can respond to you. That is, until you get an e-mail account.

I don't have much more older "Happy Show!" footage to upload, as I don't plan on uploading video that wasn't originally produced by me or my friends. In other words, no full segments of "Super Argo," or the "Public Domain Theater" stuff. Technically, I could put that up, but I'd rather stick with the stuff produced locally.

I will be filming more stuff as time allows, that will be used for YouTube and Public Access.

Don't feel too bad about how many hits a video gets. All it takes is for a video to be featured on the home page, or somebody to discover it and link it to a popular site, and the count will rise. The Stephen Colbert response was posted by me on another site, and it proves that can get bigger hits.

Thanks! -- Matt

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