HAPPY SHOW! In New Hampshire!!

Hi gang!

I was contacted about "THE HAPPY SHOW!" by a nice fellow named Joseph Lahr, the station manager at TV-23 MCAM in Manchester, New Hampshire (www.mcam.org). He asked me if I would like to submit episodes of my program to be aired in his city. I went ahead and mailed off some videos, so hopefully the programs will be airing there soon!

The show is already put up on the schedule! Check it out:


If you know someone who is in Manchester, NH, spread the word!

Check out "THE HAPPY SHOW!" clips and more online at:


Thanks! -- Matt
Matthew HawesCOMICS UNLIMITED654-B E. Diamond AvenueEvansville, Indiana 47711



Anonymous said…
Hi Matt. Thanks for letting me know about this on a youtube post. For what it's worth, the manager from NH was the 2nd guy to erase most of my stuff for the public access listing possibly according to the history for it. He was the one who was told by the other watchdog guy not to erase stuff for no reason, wherefore, heh, after the watchdog put it back the guy added something like, This is written bad to the actual listing, and not just as a comment on the talk page. Yet, heh, another manager (Seanfell or something, who's done a lot for the listing, and who'd enhanced my earlier one that I'd added back after the first watchdog erased it.) took out the NH guy's remark, and again refined what I'd said. A little research on my part into the NH guys background shows up that he's basically only made minor minor minor edits to his link under the links page. (Interestingly enough, it maybe looks like someone else from his 23 station there added the bit about his channel showing public access on the web under the listing's section about the future of public access, and that was the last thing they ever posted.) The only other minor things he did was once again add an adversial remark to the actual listing vs. the talk page, under the listings section for Local Origination I think, saying something like, This guys basically being a crybaby. The person had been saying how LO could be messed up or something, which was true. Again, someone removed it and improved the section. The other thing was he removed someone's link "again" without an explanation. It was a link to a Public Access weblog. I glanced over the old version for the listing to read it. Even though I could see how one could think the link was made maybe redundant because most of the information may have already been there under the actual listing, but there was I think a great section on how to start public access in your town if the town's against it, including advice to sue them as a last resort. It read similar to what we had to do to get public access on t.v. Therefore, I added the link back in stating that at least for that it was still noteworthy. Finally, I hope these actions on the NH guy's part are only misunderstandings vs. unwise actions. His website looked really nice. Your show as you said is there, but doesn't appear to be able to be watched off there yet. But, I observed some other shows were that way too. Also, his page has a article about Public access law or something one can read that was made by one of the attorneys or something from a public access law firm or something for The Alliance for Community Media. Heh, I'd tried them before but they will not help one unless it's like supreme court worthy or something, wherefore, we've got more done than they ever would have for public access. In all due respect I think people like this have possibly chosen to be just as bad as the people they're supposedly against. Technically speaking, since your show is good, your show is maybe just a bargening chip for him to make his site better. I mean, 10+ minor minor minor revisions to just his minor link, where he'd be looking out just for him, and he erases other people's stuff including links with no explanation. How was that other person's link any less worthy than his? Heh, since you've added what is now his 3rd link basically, he's even made a minor edit to that - taking out your compliment about his site having a schedule. Did he not possibly realize just how lucky they are to have a schedule since there basically isn't one in Evansville, and that was maybe what you were also expressing among other things? I'm not mad. I just hope all is well. As for your show being picked up, I wander if he even knows I'm on it, or if I was the one who added the link. He hadn't erased your link, my listing of me as a source for Access Denied, and maybe some of the other minor things I'd added. Ea. The information about The Simpsons and etc. Maybe he hadn't known that was me too or hadn't looked at the history page. Anyway, speaking of the listing in general, under the Triva Section, I added a bit about Public Access not being limited to the United States, and a couple of other minor things, which one may see on the history page. I also figured out a little on how to add a picture to a listing. You have to be a member to add a picture if Wiki hasn't got it already. So I found a wiki picture of a t.v. and added it myself, with the line, Fill in the blank. It hopefully shows how hopefully easy it is to get one's self on it. I'd started to add a history section to public access, but stopped. Even though I'd changed it a bit it was basically maybe still copyright infringement. I'd gotten the info from the Olson's History of Public Access link on the listing. But still, did you know that the Canadians are basically responsible for public access? I didn't. As for putting your stuff on in Evansiville again, are you going to send dvds to sigecom and insight or send a dvd to insight and e-mail the show to sigecom? Lastly, is there any kind of true thing or bit you could about God for each show? Could you at least add the text, Thank God in Jesus's name and Amen! at the end of each show? Secondly, I have a pet chicken now. It just showed up literally on my doorstep 4 days ago. I asked around if it belonged to anyone but they said no. So I got it food, water, a recyclebin to live in for now, and a light. In a month I'll move it into a pen. I haven't picked a name for it yet. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. I hope the duck isn't upset. Speaking of the duck, I was again impressed he kept his comments to his usual minimum vs singing for your Thank you youtube video. As for Dippsie Dan, technically I think it's the best thing you've ever done Matt, and hope we all find a way to use talent like yours for God. I love you Matt.
Anonymous said…
Hello again Matt. I don't mind talking with you here so I can see your comments, but after reading my latter comment will you erase it so not anyone else will see it. In all due repsect the NH manager or another could misunderstand my comments and get mad. So may you please reply maybe in code to me. Ea. I'll send...oh this is getting complicated. If you may please just erase what I said and reply in such a way that's discreet and with my replys I can do the same (Unlike these) ...wait...reply, then I'll reply, and then you can erase your reply and my proceeding reply, and so and so on if we reply back and forth in this fashion in the future. Therefore, this reply may now be erased maybe.
Matt Hawes said…
Hi David!

First, thanks for leaving the comments. I hope you don't mind, but I don't really wish to remove posts, in general, unless they are vulgar, hateful, or an accidental repeat. As a believer in freedom of expression and free speech, I am generally adverse to rewriting history, so to speak.

I understand your misgivings with what happened at Wikipedia. I'm not sure if the person I am dealing with is the person that edited or removed your comments there. The person I have dealt with in New Hampshire seems like a geniunely decent fellow, and I would like to think he wouldn't simply remove your comments.

You write:

"...Is there any kind of true thing or bit you could about God for each show? Could you at least add the text, Thank God in Jesus's name and Amen!..."

I honor and respect your feelings and beliefs, and I, too, do share some spiritual beliefs that are in common with some of your own. But, I choose not to make "The Happy Show!" about religion, in the strictest sense. I feel that one of the great things about the United States is that we can all choose to worship in our own way. To me, I choose to worship more privately. I do not want people to misconstrue "The Happy Show!" as having a message in terms of religion or politics. It is more about having fun and being silly. Even the "Lincoln face" skit carefully dodges the religious issue, overall, by focusing on a past Presidential leader, and not a religious icon. Yes, it could be argued that the use of a choir could be seen as a religious comment, but the bit was really more a comment on the media and these individuals out there that claim they have received a sign of some sort. It is not a comment on religion, itself.

You write:

"...I have a pet chicken now."

GREAT! What's the chicken's name?

Don't worry, Duckie isn't the jealous sort.

You write:

"...As for Dippsie (sic) Dan, technically I think it's the best thing you've ever done Matt..."

Thank you, David. I feel it's myy best video work so far, as well. I love making silent film bits. I am in the process of getting a real derby, so expect Doofy Dan to return.

David, please feel free to leave comments on the board, or write to me at ComicsUnlimited@aol.com if it is something you don't want viewed publicly.

I appreciate you watching the videos. Expect to see some more "Stop Watching Me" segments soon! I am uploading the full version of episode one, if it will work.

Thanks! -- Matt
Anonymous said…
Hi Matt. WOW! It looks like maybe you just wrote this because it's 4:40 on my computer and you wrote yours at 4:42 my time. How you manage to time travel! As for the guy, in all due respect I think it is the same guy as much as I hate to say it, but again I hope it was simply a misundertanding on his part to censor me. As for leaving my comments up here, I could see what your saying. Even though, I think what I'm saying is possibly pointless, but I could understand. Thanks again for replying to me this way. As for God, I could understand that too. I've heard you kind of reply to me before that you do have your own personal relationship with God. If you ever want to talk about God it would be my pleasure to do so because I love you, and I could be interested in how you believe, but if as you say, I'm to understand it's a strictly personal relationship you have with him, then I'll not bring it up again if that's what you want. Thanks though for commenting on the thing. As for the chicken, yea, I think it's cool. Waiting to see if it's a boy or girl before I name it. Thought about calling it Cerebus, because that could solve the gender problem because Cerebus had both private parts. Some one else suggested Little Red for now as a nickname because it's maybe a Rhode Island Red according to pet food salesman. But glad to see the duck's not jealous. As for leaving messages on the board, I'm guessing you may mean the old way I did it, this way, or e-mailing you. Thanks again and Love, David.

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