Marvel Comics's CIVIL WAR & ME!

It's funny, but I often learn things that have to do with me after the fact from other people. Two cases in point involve the recent hoopla over the delay announcements regarding Marvel's "Civil War" comic series.

I had been asked about this matter by the guys at Comic Geek Speak and Vaneta Rogers over at Newsarama. I wasn't sure if anything I wrote would be used, but, apparently both Comic Geek Speak and Newsarama used some of what I had to say on the matter.

Oddly enough, I found out about these usages by customers that came into the shop. Very cool, especially, as one customer clearly learned about my shop from the Comic Geek Speak program.

You can read a quote from the Newsarama article by Vaneta Rogers at the following link:

The Comic Geek Speak podcast on "Civil War" is from August 19, 2006. The episode is downloadable for FREE in MP3 form. You can get it here:

My mention comes about 1 hour and 44 minutes into the program. So, if you want to hear what I wrote to the guys about the whole matter, after you download the show, you can skip to that spot. I do suggest listening to the entire program if you have the time, as it is all interesting.

Thanks and enjoy! -- Matt


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