YouTube Update! The Beatles, Star Trek & More!
Hi gang! Please note that I have TWO YouTube accounts. I had some problems with one account when I applied for a "Comedian" account (Yeah, I know...), and it screwed up my "Director" status on my original account. I am using both accounts, but the one with Director status allows me to post longer videos. Here are the web addresses to both accounts' profile pages: (This is the "MattHawes" account.) (It's almost the same URL, but this is "TheHappyShow" account.) If you are a member of YouTube, and you haven't already done so, please subscribe and be my pal on both accounts! I just put up a special video about The Beatles and the "Paul Is Dead" rumor on "TheHappyShow" account. Feel free to leave comments and rate the video (and do the same for my other videos)! Say, those of you that are Star Trek fans may enjoy this: