YouTube Woes & New Account Info!

Hi gang!

Ok, so here's the gist of it: On YouTube ( the site now offers a "Comedian Account." If you already have a Director Account, DO NOT GO FOR A COMEDIAN ACCOUNT ON YOUTUBE. Why? Because I did, thinking it would be in addition to my Director Account. Nope, it supplants the Director Account. The Director Account has more privileges. The only thing the Comedian Account really does that the Director Account doesn't is allow you to post show dates, if you are a stand-up comedian, or on tour. You could do the same thing by making a video and uploading it.

Anyway, as a result, I lost my Director Account status... kind of. See, I can't re-apply because YouTube still has it in the system that I applied and was approved, BUT, it won't let me do the things I used to be able to do as a Director Account member.

I have created a new account, and I am awaiting approval for a Director Account for that account. It is:

I still have my old account and I will keep it active. It is:

If you are a YouTube pal and/or subscriber of mine over at YouTube, please be my pal and a subscriber at my new account, as well. That's where I will post my longer videos once (if??) I get approved for Director status, there.

Thanks! --- Matt

Matt Hawes


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