Matt Hawes/The Happy Show! mentioned in Business Week Viacom article!

You may recall that I sent out links to my videos on YouTube where I talked about the situation where the media giant, VIACOM, had YouTube removed over 100,000 videos claiming that the videos infringed on copyrights the corporation owned.

You may also recall that I fought the removal of my video, which was caught up in the sweep. My video was a parody of reality television and did not infringe on any copyrights. I wrote to Viacom, YouTube, and even the Associated Press, protesting the action by Viacom and YouTube. I was contacted days later by MTV's legal department (MTV is one of Viacom's many cable networks), and they had reviewed my video and found that it was taken down in error. The video was put back up, and the strike I had received against my YouTube account was removed.

Well, I was contacted by Catherine Holahan of "Business Week" for an interview for an article for their website. I granted the interview and it was put up today. Here is the link to that interview (please let me know if it doesn;t work):

Thanks to Cathrine Holahan for including me in the article.

-- Matt

Matthew Hawes
654-B E. Diamond AvenueEvansville
Indiana 47711


Anonymous said…


Hi! How are ya doing? I haven't had a chance yet to check my e-mail. My Landlord's new computer will not go to Yahoo mail.

God willing, you're gonna go far with your abilities buddy!

Thanks for putting the recent stuff up with me.

God Bless,

David W. Johnson

Anonymous said…


Besides your article in Business Week, The Evansville Courier (which I don't know about), and Media Biz or whatever (which I couldn't find on the site), you're also mentioned in The Sacramento Bee (and some other papers owned by the same owners of The Bee) at Also, you're on a couple of Austrailian news sites at & Finally, you're supposed to be mentioned at, but I couldn't find you, which is unfortunate, because it's suppose to actually mention that you're show is a public access show. Possibly, you're mentioned elsewhere. I found all this out by doing a search for Matt Hawes Viacom.

God Bless,

David W. Johnson

Anonymous said…


On the Public access article on Wikipedia someone added a mention of a festival called the Found Footage Festival that shows bad public access shows. The person added this mention to my mention about the annual Philio Awards (named after the inventor of the tv), which is for the best public access shows. I checked it out. Actually, the festival is for odd video footage found in trash cans, vcrs at Goodwills, and etc. A public access show is mentioned as one of the favorites. If you think any publicity is good publicity, they take submissions for review or whatever. For what it's worth, they just started putting stuff on dvd. I don't know if they show copyrigted material. The address is

God bless,

David W. Johnson

Anonymous said…


Hi. How are you doing?

I've found you mentioned a few other places on the net in relation to the Viacom thing. You're on "Of This and That" at, "Techmeme" at, & "Media Post Publications" at

The latter is brief and then links to the Business Week article for the full story, while the other two heard about the Business Week article.

Perhaps, you haven't crested with this yet and there's more to come.

Again, thanks for posting part of The Greener (Shopping Maul) on Youtube and Live Video, and for your mentions about me to the people who commented about me on either one of those sites.

God bless,

David W. Johnson

Matt Hawes said…

Thanks for posting your comments! I really appreciate you writing and letting me know about the other sites that reported my story.

I hope all is well.

Sorry for taking so long to comment, but I don't check the blog as often as I do my regular e-mail.

-- Matt

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