Up 'til now, I've been using my MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/matthawes as a promotional tool for all facets of my life. That is to say that I use it for my shop, COMICS UNLIMITED of Evansville, Indiana (www.ComicsUnlimited.biz), and for "The HAPPY SHOW!" (www.TheHappyShow.net), and for my artwork, and connecting with other fine people who share my interests.

Well, I still plan to use the page for all the above, but there's also another MySpace page that will be used for "The HAPPY SHOW!" This is a page for HAPPY, the show's mostly mute puppet. If you would like, you can go there and see more pictures from "The HAPPY SHOW!," as well as videos that come from the YouTube site (http://www.youtube.com/thehappyshow), and more stuff that pertains specifically to the program and HAPPY. This new page is:


So, go ahead and check it out! Make HAPPY your pal!

-- Matt


Anonymous said…
Hi Matt,

I" just checking here to maybe give you a chance to if you want to reply to the other various things I've sent the other way.

Thanks and Love,


Anonymous said…
Hi Matt,

Not positive but maybe if I'm reading the Tom Green page right, anyone who makes and uploads a movie tonight will have it shown on his live show at 10 P.M. your time. He called it Assignment 5rs, and asked the guy to track robert down.



Anonymous said…
Hi Matt,

maniatv.com is also another place you can have your t.v. shown. This is also where Tom Green has his t.v. show shown. Speaking of Tom again, his site said they were looking for some help:

2006-08-29 17:55:32
NEw VIDEO Grapics Graphix wanTed
Can you make us some opening bumpers, and some graphics for "The New Girl Talk" "TOM GREEN LIVE" And "Poolside Chats with Neil Hamburger"

We need those graphics, promos, and bumpers. If anybody wants to make us some... send them to robert at his email. Robert@beefbaloney.com

We need them immediately! Help!

Posted by Tom Green 2006-08-29 17:55:32



Anonymous said…

I got another reply from Tom Green. I'd left a reply about his web show last night. He replied, "genius."



Matt Hawes said…
Say, David, did you get your job back at Universal? Were you able to stay with somebody that works there?

I was just wondering.

-- Matt
Anonymous said…
I was seasonal before hand for what it's worth. I went back to work the day I stepped off the bus. Oddly, I'd even been officially signed up for fulltime two days before I got there because I'd called in advance and said I'd wanted to be full time if I could. So I was at Mummy again, but recently I transfered back to E.T. I worked there before back in 2002 I think. A co-worker let me stay with them. A month later I found a place. That's where I'm at now. Finally, Tom Green replied back to a reply I'd sent saying that I was impressed he'd already maybe had a working plan for tonights show because he'd been up against a challenge to get it on tonight, and I'd also replied that it would be my pleasure to send shorter reply, more focused ones, or etc if it could help with him in making things go more smoothly, and he told me I was now a Deputy Blogger, which gives you a police like badge picture next to your name with Tom's face on it, and that I could write all I want on my blog. He also said, Start sending videos deputy dave. A Deputy Blogger is one who can have their youtube, myspace or etc videos uploaded to Tom's site and maybe even seen on his show. Somebody else with the nick name The Sheriff also has assignments for Deptuties that require you to do skits plugging Tom's webshow. If you or maybe even others don't do the assignments you can lose your status as a deputy. One can ask Tom to be reinstated. One can be, but if you are, and then you lose your status again, it's possible you'll lose it for good. They seem to want good stuff. If it's as good as your stuff I'd say one would be safe. One could say it's weird, or fun or etc. Personally, I can't figure out how to put something on a blog. Nor can I find a thing to log on to my blog. The deputy information screen says you'll receive a password, but I haven't seen any place to put in a password. Also Tom has no way to e-mail that stuff. I'd told him I didn't have e-mail, but maybe he mailed it to eliot508@yahoo.com because I used that in the field to reply to him. I know I could get an account again with Yahoo, and I know I could get me a blog at Blogger, and I could get an account with Youtube and copy and paste the HTML embedded code into my new blog video, but again I don't know how to see that at Tom's site if I'm suppose to, or if there's more I don't know. The Sheriff said that deputies have to be catergorized into a country. I'm under "uncatergorized." So I need to fix that too in the fill in field, but I don't know how to get to the fill in field. So I replied to Tom and thanked him, but asked if he could tell me if I was doing anything wrong. Hopefully he'll reply and I'll figure it out. If you don't mind me uploading some of the stuff I've specifically done that you've put up on Youtube (Like ea. Stop Watching Me, but not Ghostcatchers because I only starred in that. Unless, you'd want me to upload your stuff.) I could add to my blog. I think Tom takes random stuff, but they do want stuff also plugging him when doing the assignments. If you're ok with that, I don't know if you have to e-mail me the videos as some sort of file, or if I can simply copy and paste the HTML embedded code next to the videos shown that you've uploaded to Youtube. I'm going to go back to Tom's page now to see if he's replied. Thanks.


David Johnson

Matt Hawes said…

The videos on YouTube aren't downloable, BUT you can copy the HTML code and either embed the video (if the blog allows it) or post a link to the video. On the page of the video, there is a spot with the two codes: A link address and the embed code. Just cut and paste on or the other into your blog.

I suggest using the embed code, if the blog accepts HTML code. No matter what, you should be able to post the web address link.

Did you know that you can reactivate your old Yahoo e-mail address? Just go to the Yahoo site and type in your Yahoo name and password. It will have a message that says the account is deactivated because you have not used it for over four months, but it will give you the option to reactivate it. The only bad thing is, even after you reactivate it, all old e-mails are lost. New e-mails won't be lost, after reactivating the acount, though.

If, for some reason, you can't reactivate the account, just create a new one.

Is there a reason you haven't chosen to do so already? It certainly would make things easier on you as far as communicating on the 'Net (I could respond directly to you by e-mail, and Tom Green could send you the password, etc.).

If Tom Green's people sent you a password, you'll need to get an e-mail account again and then ask them to resend it.

You should definitely get an e-mail address and join YouTube. It would be great to see more of your videos.

I may be able to send you files through e-mail, too, once you have an account.

-- Matt

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